For Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Our interactive live sessions are delivered by trained tutors who guide their students effectively through personalized online tutoring.

Our online tutoring services come with a plethora of advantages. Your geographic location isn’t important, as the student learns from your safe and comfortable home environment. Your child has the opportunity of being taught by expert tutors who are qualified to teach the chosen subject. The virtual classes are interactive and fun for the students who learn the basics with less stress, giving them the confidence they need to excel at academics.


Personalized online tutoring is where the curriculum for each student is created depending on his/her learning ability and availability. They are designed to ensure that your child benefits from the undivided attention of a tutor. Unlike an online classroom where your child may find it hard to keep up, a personalized, one-to-one online learning program enables them to learn at their own pace. Personalized sessions also allow students to ask questions during a session, thereby enabling them to grasp concepts before proceeding with their course.

All tutors of Proficient Teachers are graduate and subject matter experts in their respective fields, making them ideal online tutors and mentors. They’re handpicked and required to complete a stringent training process before getting on board. Each of them has at least 400 hours of tutoring experience, and they’re extremely patient and friendly with their students, thus ensuring that the children are mentored carefully to make significant progress through the learning process.

Proficient Teachers online tutoring services offer plenty of benefits. Here are some reasons why we’re regarded among the best online tutoring services:

  • Meet your online expert tutor from the comfort and safety of your home
  • Schedule sessions at your convenient date and time
  • Receive a personalized practice sheet from teacher whenever you need it.
  • Call/chat with us through 24/7 support to resolve issues or ask questions